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Machine Knitting Demo


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Do you love hand knitting but wish there was a time-effective way to make products to sell? Or do you start knitting projects and put them aside after hours of work because the end is nowhere in sight? Join us for a FREE demonstration of machine knitting!

Machine knitting was popular in the 1980s and 1990’s (and even earlier than that!) and is now experiencing a resurgence in popularity because it allows for a flow of creativity and you can (seriously) make a sweater (or scarf, mittens, gifts) in one evening. Machine knitting is the perfect skill to have for those who are looking to make their own wardrobes out of natural yarns or for designers who are looking to sell finished, slow-fashion pieces.
Come learn about the basic functions of manual, punchcard, and electronic domestic knitting machines and their infinite capabilities. This demonstration is meant to familiarize the attendees with casting on, binding off, increasing, decreasing, and get a taste of various stitch possibilities including tuck stitch, fair isle, slip stitch, ribbing, etc. (depending on the time available). We will be setting up classes starting in Jan/Feb. Let us know if you have anything specific you would like to learn!

Meet the instructors: Amber and Laura from The Fuzz Knitting Company aim to inspire and reignite the passion for creating high quality knitwear from (mostly) natural, sustainable materials.
Amber has been designing apparel for 15+ years for major NYC-based fashion retailers including Calvin Klein, Ann Taylor, GAP, and Isaac Mizrahi for Liz Claiborne, and boasts expertise in designing all ready-to- wear product categories including soft dressing, knits, sweaters, denim and sportswear. She has brought her extensive expertise to Colorado as she focuses on her young family. She aims to teach knitwear design and development to designers of any age, to make inspiring and sustainable fibers more readily available to home machine knitters, and generally spark new love for machine knitting and knitwear design here in Colorado.

Laura is an engineer who worked in the medical device industry for 24 years before deciding to focus more on her family. She has applied her technical skills and love of sewing, design and knitting to mastering machine knitting. She loves to revive vintage knitting machines and put them into the hands of people who want to learn the art. Laura enjoys teaching as well as learning new techniques and applying those techniques to creating special knitwear items from sustainable fibers.


1304 Duff Dr #11

Fort Collins, CO 80524

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