Mini (busted):
Thin flat sided models print fine but thicker curved models have serious quality issues about 3mm up from the base. I tried a few things like temperature PID tuning, cleaning the smooth rods and changing filament but it still is crappy. Looking closer at the prints it seems that it is slightly over extruding. I'll try re-calibrating the E-steps the next time I'm near the printer. This could have been trashed if someone accidentally downloaded firmware. Not real likely though.
Mini #2:
Printed some mid-sized boxes nicely.
Printed a buckle very nicely.
Taz 3:
Printed a few test prints fine after re-leveling the bed.
Taz 5:
X-axis carriage was no longer level so I re-leveled that and then re-leveled the bed. It printed nicely after that.
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Fort Collins, CO 80524