We could use a sign just out side of the visitors door in unit 11.
It would be great if someone could head up this task.
Remember folks! this is a volunteer run organization, so please help out.
what kind of sign and what should it say? Happy to help
Thanks Dave! But I'm looking to get more folks involved. I believe the sign should have our logo as to make it more clear that it is our door and probably should say visitors entrance.
Is the sign I put there last spring not big enough?
You put a sign where the yenderbuilt sign used to be?
No, but there is one on the door.
I get it though, we need a nice big sign.
Yeah! Something with our logo in big letters and maybe visitors entry in fine print
The Fort Collins Creator Hub is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
1304 Duff Dr #11
Fort Collins, CO 80524