Fort Collins Creator Hub

Printer Status 12-04-2019 (5/5 working)

  • 4 Dec 2019 12:39 PM
    Message # 8177370
    Deleted user


    New Z motor coupler got rid of the clunking sounds.  The one on the right was cracked in a couple places.  Nice and quiet.

    Mini #2: 

    New X and Y bearings so no more squeaks and vibrations.


    Printed fine

    Taz 3:   

    Releveled bed and it printed a test print fine.  Also fixed bed size in cura and Slicer to match device.  It was off by 1 mm which caused Octopi to complain on max sized prints.

    Taz 5:   

    Releveled bed and it printed a test print fine.  Also fixed bed size in cura and Slicer to match device.  It was off by 1 mm which caused Octopi to complain on max sized prints.

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