Fort Collins Creator Hub

Printer status January 8th 2020 (all machines are working)

  • 8 Jan 2020 6:30 PM
    Message # 8521037


    Printed a test print fine

    Mini #2: 

    A nice looking large print was on the bed so I assumed that it is working. 


    Fixed the Y-axis belt issue and also repaired the bed leveling sensor position so that it can level the bed.  After this, I found that the filament was jammed in the head (required head disassembly and another round of calibration and Z-offset adjustment).  After this, the machine printed fine.  During the disassembly of the head I installed a little bit longer nylon tube to hopefully reduce the frequency of filament jams.

    Taz 3:   

    Added some plumbers tape to the Z offset screw  (Thanks Brian Sturgill for the idea) to keep the Z offset from wiggling around.  Releveled the bed and it was able to print nicely.

    Updated the cura profile to use relative positioning to retract a few mm of filament at the end of the print (end G-code) to stop it from retracting a massive amount at the end of the print.  This is the same code that the Taz 5 uses

    Taz 5:   

    Added some plumbers tape to the Z offset screw  (Thanks Brian Sturgill for the idea) to keep the Z offset from wiggling around.  Releveled the bed and it was able to print nicely.

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