Here is Hub Logo SVG, outline & solid layers, for laser engraving. There's probably one hanging around somewhere but I didn't find it on the GDrive, so hopefully is useful for someone.
Hmm that link didn't seem to work from here, nor attach . . . so try copy pasta:
Ok, better than my junky bitmap to path one is the easily tweaked file at Fort Collins Creators Hub > Marketing > Design > logo (orange) > logo-orange-(icon).svg
Umm, and better than that , logos are available in 2D Design directory of the share - along with many other engraveables. (For next person coming here looking)
Our logo is on the share drive under the 2d folder. Already broken up. You can also find our style docs and our fonts in a zip.
The Fort Collins Creator Hub is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
1304 Duff Dr #11
Fort Collins, CO 80524